Sunday, February 6, 2011

Slaughtered sled dogs

    Would you believe that dozens of sled dogs were slaughtered and blanketed by several feet of snow? We can learn this message according to The Globe And Mail. Sled dogs' location wanted to keep the secret to escape away from the investigation. Because the sled dogs are not useful anymore, then the employee can kill them without guity consience. I believe they will keep killing the poor sled dogs if BPCA or RCMP didn't do the investigation. Marcie Moriarty who is the B.C. SPCA's cruelty investigations manager insist to get more sufficient evidence. He said" i'm hopeful that there's going to be sufficient evidence once we complete our investigation that the bodies in the grave aren't necessarily required."
    Sled dogs have souls like human being, why they can kill many lifes unlimitedly? i think the goverment should set up some law to protect sled dogs and other animals. From this news i also found that a facebook group is very justice and caring, i pround the people who treat animals as human being.
    Animals they are able to feel pain, sad, but many people do the cruel things to them as they should be seffered. If one day, there is another organism more powerful than human being, and they treat us as we treat the little animals, what will you think at that moment? Please give the rights for animals, they are the friends of us and we live together on the earth.

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